The Danger of Silence _ o perigo do silêncio

The Danger of Silence _ o perigo do silêncio

Language Focus: 1.       Reflect upon Consider or think carefully about, as in :She reflected (up)on her country’s role in history. 2.       Internalize To accept or absorb an idea, belief, etc. so that it becomes part of your character: ,He had not expected the people so readily to internalize the values of democracy. 3.       To Appease To sooth and relieve: When…

Significado de off-the-cuff em Inglês

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] PART 1: WATCH FROM [00;00-15:00]   Off the cuff- Sem uma preparação prévia, de improviso    English–Portuguese   I am grateful for the off-the-cuff response she has given me today: Agradeço-lhe a resposta improvisada que nos deu hoje. I am sorry, but I cannot give…

How Portuguese started ( B2 Upper intermediate)

How Portuguese started ( B2 Upper intermediate)

Comprehension questions: When did the “Portuguese” receive its official name as a language? Give some details. When did the Portuguese colonization start? How did the invention or the introduction of the printing press in Europe, help the spread of the Portuguese Language? How many countries in the world speak Portuguese? Give some details. Unscramble this…

Como dizer apesar de que em Inglês?

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Although: apesar de que, embora Depois de although usamos um sujeito mais verbo: Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. (Embora tenha chovido muito, nós aproveitamos nosso feriado) She walked home by herself, although she knew it was dangerous. Although he’s got a good job now, he still complains   In…

sexual harassment at work

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] What percentage of men and women are victims of sexual harassment? Why in your opinion flexible or part-time workers are more likely to be victims of unwanted sexual behavior than those who are on permanent contracts? Do you think prior training in…

Advanced Idioms

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION FROM THE FIELDS BELOW. Correct answers and full explanation after Completion. For contextual use of these expressions, refer to the audio file at the end of the quiz. [qsm quiz=1] AGENDE AULA DEMONSTRATIVA: GRÁTIS WHATSAPP: 11-97669-3783 sources: Advanced Everyday English/ Steven Collins, quiz prepared by…


Here’s a question for you: how many different aromas [rapid_quiz question=”1″ answer=”scents” options=”smell|smells|scents|offensive” notes=””]  do you think you can smell, and maybe even identify with precisaõ  [rapid_quiz question=”2″ answer=”accuracy” options=”accurate|precise|accuracy|distinction” notes=””]? 100? 300? 1,000? One study estimates that humans can detect up to one trillion different odors. A trillion. It’s hard to imagine, but your…


Listen to the interview and choose the correct alternative to replace each expression in italic. [WpProQuiz 4] AGENDE AULA DEMONSTRATIVA: GRÁTIS WHATSAPP: 11-97669-3783 sources: Market Leader, quiz prepared by Sarkis


[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] ESCOLHA A MELHOR OPÇÃO NOS CAMPOS ABAIXO. AO FINAL DO TESTE CLIQUE NO “VIEW RESULTS” PARA VISUALIZAR TODAS AS RESPOSTAS E SUAS DEVIDAS EXPLICAÇÕES.  CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION FROM THE FIELDS BELOW. Uma maneira rápida de expandir seu vocabulário é garantir que você conheça as diferentes formas…


Two-word medical terms

[av_section min_height=” min_height_px=’500px’ padding=’default’ shadow=’no-shadow’ bottom_border=’no-border-styling’ bottom_border_diagonal_color=’#333333′ bottom_border_diagonal_direction=” bottom_border_style=” id=” color=’main_color’ custom_bg=” src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” attach=’scroll’ position=’top left’ repeat=’no-repeat’ video=” video_ratio=’16:9′ overlay_opacity=’0.5′ overlay_color=” overlay_pattern=” overlay_custom_pattern=” av_element_hidden_in_editor=’0′] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Escolha a melhor opção nos campos abaixo. Ao final do teste clique no “view results” para visualizar todas as respostas e…