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Test your understanding of spoken English
Watch from 0:14 to 2:22 and chose the best option from below:
So principals: [rapid_quiz question=”1″ answer=”generally” options=”general|generally|usually” notes=””] surgery is used in [rapid_quiz question=”2″ answer=”colorectal” options=”colonoscopy|colorectal” notes=””] cancer as a [rapid_quiz question=”3″ answer=”curative” options=”preventive|curative” notes=””] treatment that is to remove the disease completely so it is normally [rapid_quiz question=”4″ answer=”reserved” options=”reserved|reserve|to reserve” notes=””] for cancers that haven’t spread. You might find it occasionally being used if there are only one or two metastasis may be and with this surgery to remove those other tumors as well! The [rapid_quiz question=”5″ answer=”aim” options=”motive |aim|reason” notes=””] is to remove the tumor with [rapid_quiz question=”6″ answer=”descent” options=”recent|recently|descent” notes=””] margins to prevent the tumor from coming back. And also to remove any [rapid_quiz question=”7″ answer=”surrounding” options=”surround|surrounding|existing” notes=””]tissues and [rapid_quiz question=”8″ answer=”lymph nodes” options=”linknodes|lymph nodes|linking mode” notes=””] and around the tumor to [rapid_quiz question=”8″ answer=”accept” options=”assess|access|accept” notes=””] the spread. Another aim would be [rapid_quiz question=”9″ answer=”to maintain” options=”to make |to maintain|to mark” notes=””] as much bowel function as possible after the surgery. So it can be used before other treatments such as radio and chemotherapy or it can be used after. Usually, in this case, the radio and chemotherapy are being used to try [rapid_quiz question=”10″ answer=”to shrink” options=”to shrink|shrink|shrinking” notes=””] the tumor.
Comprehension questions:
- What are the two methods mentioned for doing the surgery?
- What steps does the procedure involve?
- What is the aim of this surgery?
- What are the risks after?
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